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alkaline of, containing, or similar to an alkali. [1/2 definitions]
alkalinize to produce an alkali from (a chemical group). [1/2 definitions]
alkalosis a pathological condition of the body fluids, characterized by a dangerously high alkali content.
calcium oxide a soft white caustic powder used in the treatment of waste, as an industrial alkali, and in the manufacture of steel, glass, plaster, and insecticides; lime; quicklime.
cesium a highly reactive chemical element of the alkali metal group that has fifty-five protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a soft, silvery metal melting to a heavy liquid just above room temperature. (symbol: Cs) [1/2 definitions]
francium a highly radioactive chemical element of the alkali metal group that has eighty-seven protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Fr)
lithium an extremely reactive chemical element of the alkali metal group that has three protons in each nucleus, occurs naturally only in compounds such as salts, and can be isolated in pure form as a light soft solid. (symbol: Li) [1/2 definitions]
potassium a chemical element of the alkali metal group that has nineteen protons in each nucleus, that occurs naturally only in compounds such as various salts, and that can be isolated as a soft silver-white solid that oxidizes swiftly in air. (symbol: K)
rubidium a highly reactive chemical element of the alkali metal group that has thirty-seven protons in each nucleus, that occurs naturally only in compounds with oxygen and other elements, but that can be isolated as a liquid or very soft solid metal. (symbol: Rb)
soap a cleaning substance that is usu. made by treating fats or oils with an alkali and is manufactured in bars, liquids, powders, or flakes. [1/3 definitions]
sodium a highly reactive chemical element of the alkali metal group that has eleven protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds such as sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. (symbol: Na)