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Dictionary Suite
alliance the act of allying or condition of being allied. [1/3 definitions]
cobelligerent a nation not formally allied but cooperating with one or more nations waging war.
confederate joined or united in a confederacy; allied. [2/4 definitions]
D-day June 6, 1944, when the Allied forces invaded German-occupied France during World War II. [1/2 definitions]
Franklin Delano Roosevelt the 32nd President of the United States, who served four terms (1933-1945). Roosevelt initiated sweeping social and economic programs to tackle the Great Depression, was leader of the Allied Powers during World War II, and worked to establish Social Security (b.1882--d.1945).
nonaligned of a nation, not allied with either the United States or the former Soviet Union.
Treaty of Versailles the treaty, signed in 1919, that officially ended World War I. The Treaty of Versailles, signed by Germany and the Allied Powers, forced Germany to pay enormous reparations, to substantially reduce the size of its military, and to recognize territorial changes that substantially reduced its land holdings. The treaty also established the League of Nations. The United States, represented by President Woodrow Wilson, played a crucial role in the treaty negotiations, but the U.S. Congress subsequently refused to ratify the treaty, based largely on opposition to American participation in the League of Nations.
V-J Day the day the Allied Forces won victory over Japan in World War II, either August 15, 1945, the day the fighting stopped, or September 2, 1945, the day the surrender was officially signed (acronym for "victory in Japan").