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agape1 being in a state of wonder or amazement. [1/4 definitions]
astonish to fill with great surprise or amazement.
astonishment great surprise or amazement.
boy used to express amazement, surprise, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
breathless holding one's breath for a moment because of excitement, amazement, or fear. [1/2 definitions]
glory used to express surprise, happiness, amazement, or the like. [1/8 definitions]
ha a word used to show triumph, surprise, discovery, amazement, or annoyance.
man (slang) used to express disbelief, amazement, exasperation, frustration, anger, or the like. [1/9 definitions]
marvel a thing, person, or event that causes wonder or amazement. [3/2 definitions]
marvelous causing wonder or amazement. [1/2 definitions]
ooh used to express pleasure, happy surprise, or amazement. [1/3 definitions]
open-eyed with the eyes open, esp. in amazement or wonder. [1/3 definitions]
presto used by magicians to express wonder or amazement. [1/2 definitions]
sensationalism language or subject matter intended to arouse amazement, curiosity, or morbid fascination. [1/2 definitions]
so used as an expression of surprise, amazement, or understanding. [1/13 definitions]
son of a bitch (slang) used to express hatred, disgust, amazement, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
stupefaction complete, paralyzing amazement or utter confusion. [1/2 definitions]
what used to express surprise, incredulity, or amazement. [1/12 definitions]
wonder to feel admiration, surprise, or amazement (often followed by "at"). [2/4 definitions]
wonderment an expression or feeling of wonder; amazement or awe. [1/2 definitions]
wow1 (informal) a word used to express amazement, pleasure, or enthusiasm. [1/2 definitions]