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ambitionless having no strong desire to set or reach goals; being without ambition.
ambitious having or showing a strong desire to succeed; having ambition. [1/2 definitions]
aspiration a goal, aim, or ambition.
Ate in Greek mythology, a personification of humans' wicked folly or blind ambition, that is punished by Nemesis.
drive a strong desire; ambition. [1/11 definitions]
entrepreneurial spirit enthusiasm and ambition for starting or running a private business.
frustrated having had a goal or ambition that one has never been able to achieve. [1/3 definitions]
horizon the outer extent of vision, knowledge, ambition, opportunity, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
incentive a sense of ambition that encourages greater effort or productivity. [1/3 definitions]
lodestar something that guides, leads, or directs, such as a principle or ambition. [1/2 definitions]
shiftless having little or no purpose or ambition; lazy.
wreck to defeat or annihilate (hope, ambition, opportunities, or the like). [1/10 definitions]