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ammo (informal) ammunition.
ballistics the study of the characteristics of ammunition and firearms, as in police detection work. [1/3 definitions]
bandoleer a shoulder belt with loops or pouches for ammunition.
contraband of war war materials, such as weapons and ammunition, that may be confiscated by either side when transported to the other from a neutral government.
cordite a smokeless, slow-burning explosive formed into the shape of a cord, used in some ammunition.
dry run (informal) a military exercise without live ammunition. [1/2 definitions]
dump an area or structure for the storage and distribution of military supplies such as ammunition. [1/10 definitions]
gird to supply or equip, as with force or ammunition. [1/3 definitions]
gunrunning smuggling of guns, ammunition, or other military supplies into a country.
load to put ammunition into firearms. [1/17 definitions]
loaded of certain weapons, containing ammunition. [1/5 definitions]
M-16 the basic U.S. military rifle used in the Vietnam War, which is fully automatic and uses small-caliber, high-velocity ammunition.
magazine a storehouse for ammunition. [2/3 definitions]
munition (usu. pl.) provisions for military undertakings, such as weapons, equipment, and ammunition. [1/2 definitions]
muzzle the open end of the barrel of a firearm, from which the ammunition is discharged. [1/6 definitions]
round a single shot from a firearm or larger weapon, or the ammunition for such a shot. [1/24 definitions]
shell a cylindrical piece of ammunition, esp. for an artillery piece or a shotgun. [1/12 definitions]
submachine gun a lightweight short-barreled automatic or semiautomatic gun, using pistol ammunition, that is fired from the shoulder or hip.