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analyse a spelling of "analyze" used in Canada and Britain. See "analyze" for more information.
analytic tending to analyze. [1/2 definitions]
analytical tending to analyze or having skill in analyzing. [1/2 definitions]
analytic philosophy a type of philosophy that uses common language and everyday experiences to analyze concepts.
anatomize to examine closely; analyze. [1/2 definitions]
assay to analyze or examine in order to judge; evaluate. [1/8 definitions]
bioinformatics an interdisciplinary field that uses computers to analyze biological data. [1/2 definitions]
complex difficult to analyze or understand because of being complicated. [1/5 definitions]
construe to analyze a sentence or part of a sentence grammatically. [1/6 definitions]
dissect to examine closely; analyze. [1/2 definitions]
overanalyze combined form of analyze.
polariscope an instrument used to view, measure, or analyze polarized light, or through which to view things in polarized light.
psychologize to analyze, reason, speculate, or explain from a psychological point of view.
put together (informal) to analyze and come to the correct answer. [1/3 definitions]
reagent a substance used in a chemical reaction to control or measure the reaction, analyze another substance, or produce a particular substance.
reanalyze combined form of analyze.
research systematic investigation and study to obtain and analyze information, as about a theory, event, intellectual discipline, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
scan to analyze the metrical structure of verse. [1/10 definitions]
think tank (informal) an institute or center, often funded by a government or corporation, that is staffed by people who research and analyze complex problems with a view to practical applications.