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adrift without anchor; floating freely; drifting. [1/2 definitions]
anchor to make secure or hold steady. [3/4 definitions]
anchorage a place where vessels can anchor. [1/4 definitions]
anchorless combined form of anchor.
anchorwoman in broadcasting, a female anchor on a news program.
aweigh in nautical terminology, not quite touching the bottom of a body of water (used of an anchor).
berth a space for a ship to dock or anchor. [1/2 definitions]
bower2 a heavy anchor, situated at the bow of a ship.
cable a heavy chain used to moor or anchor ships. [1/11 definitions]
capstan a vertical drum or post on a ship, rotated to hoist weights, such as an anchor, by winding in rope or cable. [1/2 definitions]
cathead a beam projecting from the bow of a ship, to which the anchor is hoisted and secured.
coanchor combined form of anchor.
drogue an anchor, esp. a canvas sack used for slowing a boat and keeping her prow into the wind. [1/2 definitions]
fluke1 a triangular tip, as on an anchor or the head of a spear or arrow. [1/2 definitions]
grapnel a small anchor with three or more pointed hooks or flukes. [1/2 definitions]
hawse an opening in a ship through which an anchor cable is passed; hawsehole. [1/2 definitions]
hawsehole a hole in the bow of a ship through which an anchor cable is passed.
hawsepipe an iron or steel pipe in the hole on either side of a ship's bow, through which the anchor cable is passed.
kedge to move (a ship) by hauling on the line of its kedge anchor, then dropping the anchor in the desired position. [2/3 definitions]
moor2 to fix in place with cables or lines. [2 definitions]
pitch1 to set up or anchor. [1/11 definitions]