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Amazon a major river that flows from the Andes in Peru across northern Brazil to the Atlantic. [1/3 definitions]
Amazon River a major river that flows from the Andes in Peru across northern Brazil to the Atlantic.
Andean of, located in, or resembling the Andes.
Atacama a desert in northern Chile that lies between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains.
Atacama Desert an extremely arid region of northern Chile that lies between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains.
coca either of two shrubs native to the Andes, the dried leaves of which are the source of cocaine and other alkaloids. [1/2 definitions]
Lake Titicaca a large, deep lake in South America located in the Andes mountains between the countries of Bolivia and Peru.
Machu Picchu an extensive Inca ruin located in the Andes Mountains northwest of Cuzco, Peru.
quinoa a plant native to the Andes mountains and grown for its edible seeds. [1/2 definitions]
Urubamba River a Peruvian river that flows northward from the Andes in southern Peru.
wax palm any of several palm trees of the Andes, the trunks of which produce a wax used in making candles, polishes, and the like.