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anger to cause anger in; make angry. [1/3 definitions]
angerless combined form of anger.
angry feeling or showing anger.
bait to try to anger by teasing or nagging. [1/4 definitions]
bile ill temper or anger. [1/2 definitions]
bitter full of anger, hate, or sorrow. [1/2 definitions]
blow off steam (informal) to release pent-up anger or frustration by saying or doing something.
bridle to react with anger; take offense. [1/5 definitions]
bristle to make the bristles stand up straight in fright or anger. [2/4 definitions]
burn to experience strong emotion, such as anger or desire. [1/14 definitions]
choler anger; irritability.
conciliate to overcome the anger, distrust, or animosity of; appease; placate. [1/3 definitions]
conniption (informal) an outburst or fit of anger, hysteria, or the like.
crime of passion a crime committed by a person in a condition of extreme anger, jealousy, or the like.
curse word a word that is considered to be obscene or profane, esp. when it is used to condemn or to express anger.
dammit used to express anger or frustration.
damn used to express anger, regret, disgust, or frustration. [1/11 definitions]
damnation used to express annoyance, anger, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
damn it used to express anger or frustration.
dander (informal) capacity for anger; temper. [1/2 definitions]
darkness depression, anger, or evil. [1/2 definitions]