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advertisement a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products. [1/2 definitions]
advt. abbreviation of "advertisement," a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products.
annunciation (cap.) the angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary of Jesus Christ's incarnation, or the Christian celebration of this on March 25. [1/2 definitions]
auto-da-fé the public announcement of the judgment and sentences passed and imposed on people tried as heretics during the Spanish Inquisition. [1/2 definitions]
banns a public announcement in church of an upcoming marriage.
bill1 to advertise by public notice or announcement. [1/7 definitions]
bulletin a public announcement about something of current interest.
communiqué an official announcement or bulletin, esp. from a government.
declaration an official or formal announcement or statement, or the document that contains it.
go off to go away, especially without making any announcement of one's intention to leave. [1/8 definitions]
handbill a printed announcement or advertisement to be distributed by hand.
lead up to in speech or writing, to hint at or subtly introduce some, possibly surprising, announcement or statement to come. [1/4 definitions]
obituary a printed announcement of a person's death, usu. including a brief biography and information about funeral arrangements.
pronounce to make a declaration or announcement. [1/7 definitions]
pronouncement an announcement of a decision or verdict. [1/2 definitions]
release a news story or other piece prepared for publication in a newspaper or announcement on radio or television; press release. [1/10 definitions]
renounce to give up (a right or claim) usu. by formal declaration or announcement; waive. [1/5 definitions]
rescript any official announcement or order. [1/3 definitions]
transcription a recording used for later broadcasting, as of a radio program or announcement. [1/4 definitions]