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Alpine in anthropology, a physical type of Caucasians with a medium complexion and stocky build. [1/4 definitions]
anthropologist a person engaged in the study of anthropology.
anthropology the scientific study of humankind. People who study anthropology learn about the origins and development of human beings and their societies and customs.
anthropometry a branch of anthropology concerned with comparative measurements of the human body, among individuals or groups.
behavioral science a social science such as psychology, anthropology, or sociology that examines the way humans act as individuals or in groups, often to reveal recurrent patterns or general truths.
cultural anthropology the branch of anthropology concerned with the origins and development of human cultures, including customs, language, and art. (Cf. physical anthropology.)
ethnobotany a branch of anthropology concerned with the cultural relationship between a people and their traditional use and management of plants.
ethnographic of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that deals with the description of specific cultures.
ethnography the branch of anthropology that deals with the description of specific cultures.
ethnology a branch of anthropology concerned with the origins and development of various cultures.
gens in anthropology, a tribe or clan tracing descent through the male line. [1/2 definitions]
physical anthropology the branch of anthropology concerned with the evolutionary development of humans, physical differences between races, and classifications. (Cf. cultural anthropology.)
social science the scientific study of society and social behavior, or any science that examines an aspect of society or social behavior, such as anthropology or psychology.
somatology the branch of anthropology dealing with humans' physical characteristics.
structuralism a method of analysis involving the study of stable, structural elements, applied esp. in fields such as linguistics, anthropology, and psychology.