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adjure to earnestly request of or appeal to. [1/2 definitions]
allure the force of appeal or charm. [1/3 definitions]
angle1 to write in a manner that will appeal to a specific audience. [1/10 definitions]
appeal a request that a higher court hear a case. An appeal is made after one has lost a case in a lower court. [1/6 definitions]
appealable combined form of appeal.
appellant one who makes an appeal, esp. one who takes a case before a higher court for review.
beseech to make an urgent request or appeal. [1/3 definitions]
captivating causing one to be charmed or fascinated, as by beauty or intellectual appeal.
charismatic having unusually strong personal allure or appeal; marked by charisma. [1/3 definitions]
conjure to call forth or appeal to (a spirit or devil). [2/4 definitions]
cry an appeal. [1/11 definitions]
desex to subdue or deprive of sex, sexual interest, or sex appeal. [1/2 definitions]
desire a wish that has been expressed; appeal. [1/5 definitions]
emotionalism the tendency to appeal to the emotions excessively or dishonestly. [1/2 definitions]
fey having an unusual, otherworldly charm or appeal; elfin. [1/3 definitions]
flag-waving excessive or ostentatious display of or appeal to patriotism.
immovable not subject to appeal or influence; unyielding. [1/5 definitions]
invocation any earnest appeal or entreaty, as for inspiration. [1/4 definitions]
invoke to appeal or refer to as an authority, for support or justification. [1/4 definitions]
kitsch art, literature, and the like that is pretentious, often gaudy, and of little value, usu. produced for popular appeal.
Miserere a prayer, lament, or appeal for mercy. [1/2 definitions]