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Dictionary Suite
airbrush an atomizer used to apply liquid, usu. paint, in a fine spray.
applicator a device used to apply a substance to something.
appliqué to apply as or decorate with appliqué. [1/4 definitions]
bandage to apply a bandage to a wound or other injury. [1/3 definitions]
bestow to use or apply. [1/2 definitions]
bias to apply a low voltage to. [1/8 definitions]
blob to apply in blobs; splotch. [1/3 definitions]
brake1 to apply or operate the brake on a vehicle. [1/5 definitions]
butter to apply butter to. [1/3 definitions]
clamp down to apply strong pressure in order to hold tightly. [1/2 definitions]
cover to apply to; pertain to; provide for. [1/21 definitions]
creosote to apply creosote to. [1/2 definitions]
curfew a rule or law that sets a time after which everyone must be off the street and inside for the night. Curfews sometimes apply only to a particular group, such as young people.
dab1 to apply with light patting touches. [1/6 definitions]
dash to splash or apply as if by splashing. [1/12 definitions]
deal1 to concern oneself with; apply one's thoughts to (usu. fol. by "with" or "in"). [1/15 definitions]
do nails to apply cosmetic polish to fingernails.
do one's makeup to apply makeup, usually to the face.
dope to apply dope to or put dope into. [2/7 definitions]
dressing table a stand or table, usu. with a mirror on or hung above it, at which one sits chiefly to apply makeup.
embrocate to lubricate and rub (the body) with a liniment or lotion, as to relieve sore muscles; apply an embrocation.