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arose past tense of "arise."
atomism in psychology, the theory that all social institutions arise from the acts and interests of individual people. [1/2 definitions]
come up to arise, occur, or appear. [1/6 definitions]
follow to make sense or arise as a natural conclusion based on something that has preceded. [1/15 definitions]
form to come into being; develop; arise. [1/8 definitions]
grow to arise or originate. [1/8 definitions]
originate to arise or come into being. [1/3 definitions]
play by ear to go forward with (some activity) without any previous planning or instructions, dealing with any problems just at the time they arise; improvise. [1/2 definitions]
prickle to arise or point up, like a thorn. [1/6 definitions]
somnambulate to arise and walk in a trancelike state while sleeping; sleepwalk.
stem1 the main axis of a plant, usu. above ground, from which branches, leaves, flowers, or fruits may arise. [2/9 definitions]
ventriloquism the skill or practice of speaking so that the voice appears to arise from a source other than the speaker; ventriloquy.