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armature armor. [2/4 definitions]
armor to outfit or cover with armor. [1/4 definitions]
armorbearer one who carries a warrior's armor and arms.
armored wearing or being covered by armor.
armorer one who makes or repairs armor or arms. [1/2 definitions]
armorless combined form of armor.
armour a spelling of "armor" used in Canada and Britain. See "armor" for more information.
battle cruiser a warship of great speed and firepower, with lighter armor than that of a battleship.
battleship a large military ship that has heavy armor and large guns.
bazooka a shoulder-held, cylindrical rocket-launcher that fires an armor-penetrating shell.
beaver2 an armor plate attached to a helmet or breastplate that protects the face and neck.
brassard a piece of armor for the arm. [1/2 definitions]
breastplate a plate of armor covering the chest.
casque armor for the head, esp. a conical, medieval helmet with a nose guard. [1/2 definitions]
chain mail flexible armor made of metal links or scalelike plates joined together.
corselet a piece of body armor covering the upper part of the body. [1/2 definitions]
cuirass a piece of close-fitting armor that protects the chest and back. [2/4 definitions]
cuisse a piece of armor made to wear on the thigh.
dreadnought a large warship equipped with powerful weapons and, usu., heavy armor.
gauntlet1 a metal glove worn as part of a suit of armor. [1/2 definitions]
gorget a piece of armor used to protect the throat. [1/4 definitions]