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Achilles the hero of The Iliad, who is killed by an arrow in his heel, his only vulnerable spot.
archer a person who uses a bow and arrow.
archery the sport or practice of shooting with a bow and arrow.
arrow a thin stick with a point on one end. An arrow is a kind of weapon. [2 definitions]
arrowhead the sharp, pointed part on the end of an arrow.
arum any of a family of plants, such as jack-in-the-pulpit, with arrow-shaped leaves and bearing a flower, at the tip of a long spike, that is enclosed by a hoodlike leaf. [1/2 definitions]
barb a small, sharp point that sticks out in the opposite direction of the main point or hook, as on an arrow, fishhook, or the like.
bowshot the distance an arrow travels or can travel when shot from a bow.
Cupid (l.c.) a representation of Cupid as a naked, winged boy with a bow and arrow. [1/2 definitions]
curare a resinous extract of certain South American plants, used as an arrow poison or as a drug for relaxing muscles. [1/2 definitions]
dart a short arrow thrown with the hand or shot from a gun. [1/4 definitions]
feather something resembling a bird's plumage, such as the silky hair on the rear side of some dogs' legs or the vane of an arrow, or something shaped like a feather. [1/12 definitions]
fledge to attach feathers to (an arrow). [1/4 definitions]
fluke1 a triangular tip, as on an anchor or the head of a spear or arrow. [1/2 definitions]
line1 a mathematical figure that is represented by a long, straight, unbroken mark with an arrow at each end. The arrows symbolize that the line continues endlessly in both directions. A line, as a mathematical concept, has infinite length but no width. [1/20 definitions]
loose to shoot or let loose a missile, arrow, rock, or the like. [1/14 definitions]
nock the notch at the rear end of an arrow that fits onto the bowstring. [3/4 definitions]
pickerelweed a North American aquatic plant bearing arrow-shaped leaves and spikes of blue-violet flowers that grows in shallow fresh waters.
pike4 any sharp point, as on an arrow.
ray1 a part of a line that begins at one point and then continues without stopping. The continuation of the line is symbolized by an arrow. [1/3 definitions]
Sagitta a summer constellation in the northern sky, located between Aquila and Cygnus; Arrow.