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an variant of the indefinite article "a," used before words starting with a vowel or vowel sound. [1/2 definitions]
angle1 in journalism, the particular way in which an article is slanted, as for a specific audience. [1/10 definitions]
appendix a section at the end of a book or magazine article that gives more information. [1/2 definitions]
argyle of a knitted article, having a diamond-shaped pattern of two or more colors. [1/3 definitions]
art. abbreviation of "article," in English grammar, the words "a," "an," and "the," which are used with nouns and act to limit the nouns' applications. (See "definite article," "indefinite article.")
artwork pictorial or illustrative work, as for a book or a magazine article. [1/2 definitions]
byline the writer's name at the head of a newspaper or magazine article.
caption a heading, title, or legend for printed matter such as a magazine article, newspaper photo, or graph. [1/4 definitions]
chattel any article of property not attached to lands or buildings; movable property. [1/2 definitions]
chinchilla a coat or other article made with the fur of the chinchilla. [1/4 definitions]
clause a section, article, or provision of a legal document or of other documents. [1/2 definitions]
coat an outer article of clothing with long sleeves, usu. worn for added warmth. [1/5 definitions]
column an article or other piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine that appears on a regular schedule. [1/4 definitions]
commission to grant a commission for the creation of (a painting, poem, article, or the like). [1/9 definitions]
common noun a noun, such as "boy," "poodle," or "town," that refers to a class, or to an unspecified member of a class, of persons, places, things, or the like, and that is often preceded by an article. (Cf. proper noun.)
cover story a magazine article featured in the picture or headlines on the magazine's cover. [1/2 definitions]
Damascene (l.c.) a damascened article. [1/6 definitions]
dateline at the beginning of a news article, a line giving the place and usu. the date of its origin.
deerskin an article of clothing, such as a jacket, made of deerskin. [1/3 definitions]
definite article the article "the" in English grammar. The definite article is used with a noun when one is referring to something that is already known or has already been talked about.
don2 to put on (an article of clothing); dress oneself in. [1/2 definitions]