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Dictionary Suite
adjutant an assistant. [1/2 definitions]
adjutant general a staff officer who serves as chief administrative assistant to the commanding officer of an army corps or division. [1/3 definitions]
aide any assistant or person who gives support.
aide-de-camp a military or naval officer serving as assistant to a general or admiral.
associate professor a college or university professor ranking above an assistant professor and below a full professor.
asst. abbreviation of "assistant," a person holding a secondary or junior position in an office or organization.
banderillero a matador's assistant who helps goad the bull by sticking banderillas into it.
batboy a boy who retrieves baseball bats discarded by hitters and acts as a team's general assistant.
batgirl a girl who retrieves baseball bats discarded by hitters and acts as a team's general assistant.
coadjutor an assistant, esp. the principal assistant of a bishop.
concertmaster the leader of the first violins of an orchestra, and usu. the assistant conductor.
deputize to authorize to act as an assistant or representative.
deputy someone authorized to be a substitute or assistant. [2/3 definitions]
executive officer in the military, an officer who is assistant to the commanding officer of a unit, or who is second in command of a unit smaller than a division. [1/2 definitions]
girl Friday a female employee, aide, or assistant who faithfully attends to a variety of tasks.
handler in boxing, a coach, trainer, or assistant. [1/3 definitions]
helper an assistant in some task or activity.
hygienist a person skilled in the areas of hygiene, such as a dentist's assistant.
man Friday a male employee, aide, or assistant who faithfully attends to a variety of tasks.
paralegal a lawyer's assistant who has some training in legal matters, but who does not hold a law degree.
paramedic one who is trained to work as a doctor's assistant or as a provider of emergency medical care.