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certify to affirm or assure as definite or certain. [2/5 definitions]
chaperone a person, usu. older, who accompanies unmarried young people on social occasions to assure that no improper, unlawful, or unsafe behavior occurs. [1/2 definitions]
classic having qualities that assure enduring interest. [1/10 definitions]
control to assure the validity of by providing a means of comparison, esp. in scientific research. [1/9 definitions]
guarantee to assure the fulfillment of (an obligation, promise, or the like), or to serve as security for. [3/11 definitions]
promise to give one's word or assure (usually followed by an infinitive or clause). [1/5 definitions]
reassure to assure again. [1/2 definitions]
regulate to adjust in order to assure accuracy of operation. [1/3 definitions]
underwrite to assume financial responsibility or assure financial support for. [1/8 definitions]