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Dictionary Suite
agape1 open-mouthed in wonder or astonishment. [1/4 definitions]
amazement great surprise; astonishment.
amazing causing wonder, great surprise, or astonishment.
breathless suspending or as if suspending one's breath, as caused by keen anxiety, eagerness, or astonishment. [1/3 definitions]
dear used to express astonishment, dismay, or the like. [1/9 definitions]
huh used to express surprise, astonishment, skepticism, contempt, or indifference. [1/3 definitions]
open-mouthed gaping or as if gaping from astonishment, surprise, or shock. [1/4 definitions]
petrify to daze or paralyze, as with terror or astonishment. [1/4 definitions]
popeyed having bulging, wide-open eyes, as in astonishment or disbelief.
speechless unable to speak because of exhaustion, surprise, astonishment, or great emotion. [1/2 definitions]
stupendous causing astonishment or wonder; astounding. [1/2 definitions]
whew used to express astonishment, relief, disgust, or the like.
why used to express astonishment or mild indignation. [1/5 definitions]