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abandon ship to extricate oneself from a situation where danger or failure seems imminent, often at the expense of loyalty to a group or cause. [1/2 definitions]
batten1 to prosper, esp. at the expense of others. [1/3 definitions]
careerism zealous pursuit of success in a career, often at the expense of family life, ethics, or the like.
cut corners to do something in an easier and more expedient manner, often at the expense of quality or care in its execution.
feather one's nest to exploit an opportunity to enrich oneself, esp. to the disadvantage or at the expense of others.
formal suggesting or displaying refinement or elegance combined with propriety, sometimes at the expense of emotional or physical comfort. [1/9 definitions]
kleptocrat a leader in a country's government who uses his or her power to become personally rich by exploiting the country's resources at the expense of the people.
off at the expense of. [1/37 definitions]
oligarch a corrupt member of an oligarchy who uses his or her power to secure personal wealth, and does so at the expense of the people. [1/2 definitions]