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affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy. [2/5 definitions]
attract to have or use the power of attraction. [1/4 definitions]
attractive having qualities that draw others; having the power of attraction. [1/2 definitions]
bait something that attracts; attraction; lure. [1/4 definitions]
call the attraction or fascination of something. [1/22 definitions]
crush a strong but temporary romantic attraction to a person, or the person who is the object of the attraction. [1/5 definitions]
draw something that draws an audience; attraction. [1/19 definitions]
Eiffel Tower a tall tower made of iron constructed in Paris, France in 1889. It is a symbol of Paris and a popular tourist attraction.
electricity a physical phenomenon caused by the movement of certain charged particles such as electrons, esp. between points having different electrical charges, and seen in naturally occurring phenomena such as lightning and magnetic attraction and repulsion. [1/4 definitions]
electroscope a device used for detecting small amounts of electric charge, usu. by using metal foil to show attraction or repulsion.
feature something used as an attraction or inducement; option. [1/9 definitions]
girlfriend a favorite female friend that one feels attraction or love for. [1/2 definitions]
gravitation the force of mutual attraction, as between planets, stars, or particles. [1/3 definitions]
gravity gravitational attraction or movement. [1/4 definitions]
headline to be the most important as a performer at; be the main attraction of. [1/2 definitions]
headliner a performer who is advertised as a main attraction; star.
homosexual of, relating to, or exhibiting sexual attraction toward others of the same sex as oneself. [1/2 definitions]
infatuated having an attraction to someone or something that is strong enough to take away one's good judgment.
in love the condition in adults of having a very strong attraction and liking for someone, and a strong desire to be with that person.
invitation an allurement or attraction, often unspoken. [1/3 definitions]
knock out (informal) to cause (someone) to feel a very strong attraction. [1/5 definitions]