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angle1 in journalism, the particular way in which an article is slanted, as for a specific audience. [2/10 definitions]
aside a comment made by an actor's character on stage that is heard by the audience but not, supposedly, by other characters. [1/6 definitions]
auditorium a large room in which performances, speeches, and the like are given in front of an audience, or a building housing such a space.
backstage to or in the areas of a theater stage that are not visible to the audience, esp. the wings and dressing rooms. [3/4 definitions]
ballet a performance of such dance, with music, for an audience. [1/2 definitions]
biopic a biographical film or television program often containing scenes that are fictional in order to fill out the plot and add drama, humor, or suspense to make the real life subject compelling to an audience.
Blue Man Group a creative organization that provides performance-art theater in the form of a trio of blue-painted entertainers who incorporate such elements as food, odd props, rock music, and audience participation into their show.
box office the power of a show or its performers to attract an audience. [1/3 definitions]
cliff-hanger a dramatic production, esp. a serial, in which the audience is held in suspense at the end of each installment. [1/2 definitions]
concert a performance of music in front of an audience.
debate a kind of competition between two people or two teams who disagree on particular issue or set of issues. Each side is given certain amounts of time in which they can talk and present their argument. When one side talks, the other side must be quiet. A debate like this is done in front of an audience. [1/4 definitions]
debut to present to an audience for the first time. [1/2 definitions]
downstage the front portion of a stage, closest to the audience or camera. [1/3 definitions]
drama a story written so that it can be acted out for an audience; play. [1/4 definitions]
draw something that draws an audience; attraction. [1/19 definitions]
drawing card something or someone, such as a well-known entertainer, that attracts a large audience, patronage, or the like.
durbar an official reception or public audience by an Indian prince or British governor, or the hall in which the reception is held. [1/2 definitions]
encore "Once more!"; "Again!" [3 definitions]
epilogue a short speech delivered to the audience at the end of a play by one of the cast. [1/2 definitions]
gladiator a man in ancient Rome who fought other men or animals, often to the death, to entertain an audience.
happening a performance or drama that develops spontaneously and involves audience participation. [1/2 definitions]