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Dictionary Suite
balcony an upper floor with rows of seats that juts out into a theater or auditorium. [1/2 definitions]
blind spot an area nearby but which, or in which, one cannot see or hear what is happening, such as an area behind an automobile in motion that the driver cannot see through a rear-view mirror, or an acoustically dead spot in an auditorium. [1/4 definitions]
cafetorium a room or building that is used both as a cafeteria and an auditorium to save space, money, or both.
houselights the lights illuminating that part of a theater or auditorium in which the audience is seated.
music hall an auditorium in which musical performances are presented. [1/2 definitions]
public-address system a system of electronic amplifiers used to make sounds easily heard by a large audience, as in a theater or auditorium, or outdoors.
standee one who stands, esp. because there are no empty seats, as in an auditorium or on a bus.