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ancillary accessory or auxiliary. [1/2 definitions]
aux. abbreviation of "auxiliary," a person or thing that helps, assists, or supports, or a person or group that is subordinate or supplementary.
auxiliary see "auxiliary verb." [1/3 definitions]
auxiliary verb a part of the verb phrase in a sentence that supports or adds information to the verb. In the phrases "She is sleeping" and "Do you like it?", "is" and "do" are auxiliary verbs.
be going to used as an auxiliary verb to express that someone has a plan to do something or that some action or state seems likely based on certain evidence.
donkey of an engine, pump, or the like, auxiliary. [1/3 definitions]
helping verb another name for auxiliary verb.
jato an act or the process of taking off by an aircraft using auxiliary or disposable jet or rocket engines (acronym for "jet-assisted takeoff"). [1/2 definitions]
modal in grammar, a modal auxiliary. [1/5 definitions]
modal auxiliary an auxiliary verb, such as "can," "may," "must," or "should," that is used to modify the meaning of a main verb by including such notions as necessity, possibility, certainty, capability, advisability, potential, and expectation.
paramedical of or indicating the work of auxiliary medical personnel such as nurses' aides, paramedics, or laboratory technicians.
participle in grammar, a verb form that combines with certain auxiliary verbs ("be" or "have") to give a verb in a sentence a particular aspect, either "perfect" or "progressive," or voice, either "active" or "passive." Participles can also serve the function of adjectives.
peripheral an auxiliary device, such as a disk, printer, scanner, or the like, that is used with a computer to increase its functional range or efficiency. [1/3 definitions]
periphrastic formed with an auxiliary verb or a particle instead of an inflection, such as "it did ring" rather than "it rang". [1/2 definitions]
port1 a computer outlet for connecting auxiliary equipment that sends or receives data. [1/4 definitions]
studdingsail a light auxiliary sail that is set outside a working sail on an extensible boom, usu. in fair weather.
suffragan assisting or auxiliary to a bishop or archbishop. [2 definitions]
underpart an auxiliary or secondary role. [1/2 definitions]
used to functioning as an auxiliary verb followed by the infinitive marker "to," used to describe an action or state that existed in the past but does not happen or exist now. [1/2 definitions]
verb phrase in grammar, either a phrase that includes a verb with auxiliary verbs, such as "had been crying," or one that includes a verb and adverb, such as "give up".