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astir out of bed; awake and up. [1/2 definitions]
awoke past tense of awake.
awoken past participle of awake.
burn the midnight oil to stay awake very late for work or study.
caffeine a substance in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some other foods. Caffeine can make your heart beat fast and keep you awake.
clearheaded possessing an alert, perceptive, wide-awake mind.
conscious awake; able to feel, think, hear, and see. [1/3 definitions]
consciousness the state of being awake or aware.
daydream something similar to a dream but one that occurs when one is awake. A daydream comes from the imagination and often contains pleasant thoughts and fantasies. [1/2 definitions]
drowse to spend (time) in a half-awake state (often fol. by "away"). [1/3 definitions]
sit up to remain sitting and awake rather than going to bed. [1/4 definitions]
stay up to remain awake.
to into an awake state. [1/15 definitions]
up out of bed; awake. [1/6 definitions]
wake1 to be or stay awake. [1/8 definitions]
waken to cause to stop sleeping; awake. [2/3 definitions]
watch an act or a period of staying awake. [1/8 definitions]
wide-awake not asleep or sleepy; completely awake. [1/2 definitions]