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Dictionary Suite
back the backbone; spine. [1/10 definitions]
backbone anything similar to a backbone in location, function, support, or appearance. [1/3 definitions]
chine a backbone, esp. of an animal; spine. [2/4 definitions]
iguana any of various large herbivorous lizards of tropical America that often have a ridge of spiny projections along the backbone.
invertebrate without a backbone [2 definitions]
shellfish a small animal that lives in fresh or salt water and has a shell outside its body. Shellfish are not true fish. They are invertebrates, or animals with no backbone. People can eat many kinds of shellfish, including clams, oysters, shrimp, and lobsters.
spinal column the row of bones that runs along the center of the back; spine; backbone. The bones of the spinal column are called vertebrae. The spinal column protects the nerves in the spinal cord.
spine the backbone; spinal column. [1/3 definitions]
spineless having no spine or backbone. [1/3 definitions]
stegosaur any of several plant-eating dinosaurs having a small head and a double row of bony plates and spikes along the backbone.
tail the rear part of an animal's body that sticks out from the backbone. [1/7 definitions]
tenderloin a strip of esp. tender meat located beside the backbone in beef or pork. [1/2 definitions]
vertebrate having a backbone. [2 definitions]
worm an animal with a long, thin, round or flat body. Worms have no legs and move by creeping or crawling. Worms are invertebrates and have no backbone. [1/7 definitions]