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abuse to use in a way that is wrong or bad. [2/4 definitions]
abysmal extremely or deplorably bad; miserable. [1/2 definitions]
act up to behave in a bad or mischievous way; misbehave. [1/2 definitions]
adverse causing harm or injury; bad; damaging. [1/2 definitions]
ageism the act of having a bad opinion of, or not treating in a fair way, a person or group of people based on age. This kind of discrimination is often against older people.
almighty (informal) extremely bad. [1/3 definitions]
anger a strong feeling caused when someone or something has done something wrong to you or when you think that something is bad or not fair. [1/2 definitions]
anxiety a feeling of being worried, nervous, or afraid that something bad will happen.
ashamed feeling bad about yourself, usually because you did something wrong; feeling shame.
at least used to name one good thing that still exists in a bad situation. [1/2 definitions]
atrabilious easily irritated or angered; bad-tempered; peevish. [1/2 definitions]
atrocious (informal) very bad; awful. [1/2 definitions]
average not especially good or especially bad. [1/7 definitions]
awful very bad; terrible; of poor quality. [2 definitions]
bad apple one exceptional member of a group who behaves badly and causes trouble for all the other members of the group or makes the others look bad.
badly not well; in a bad way. [1/2 definitions]
bad-tempered having a bad temper or mood; cranky; irritable.
bind a bad or difficult situation. [1/4 definitions]
bitchy (slang) usu. of a woman, malicious or bad-tempered.
bitter having a sharp, bad taste that is neither sour nor salty. [1/3 definitions]
blame to say that someone or something is the cause of something bad. [1/2 definitions]