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account the amount of money you have in a bank.
ATM an abbreviation for "automated teller machine." An ATM is a machine for getting money without going into a bank.
ATM card a plastic card that enables the holder to access an automated teller machine to obtain cash drawn from or charged against a bank account.
automated teller machine a computerized machine serving the function of a bank teller.
balance to subtract the amount of money that you have taken out of your bank account from the amount of money you have put into it. [1/4 definitions]
bank1 to form a bank around or along the edge of; embank. [2/6 definitions]
bank2 to do business at a bank. [1/3 definitions]
bank account the money that you keep in a bank.
bank card an official card, esp. a credit card or ATM card, issued by a bank to a customer and used in transactions.
banker1 an owner or employee of a bank, esp. in management. [2 definitions]
banking the business or profession of running a bank.
bank note a promissory note issued by an authorized bank.
bank rate the standard rate of discount that is established by a central bank or banks.
bank statement a document that shows all the transactions that have occurred during a specific period of time in a bank account, esp. a periodic statement compiled by a bank for an account holder.
blank check a bank check with the signature, but not the amount, filled in, leaving the payee free to set the amount. [1/2 definitions]
bloodmobile a mobile unit carrying medical equipment for collecting blood from donors for a blood bank.
bounce (informal) to be returned to you by a bank because there is not enough money in your checking account. [1/2 definitions]
cage a similar structure that carries or protects people, such as an elevator car or a bank cashier's cage. [1/4 definitions]
cashier1 a person whose job is to handle the money in a bank. [1/2 definitions]
cashier's check a check drawn by a bank on its own funds and signed by its cashier.
cash machine a bank machine used for dispensing cash and other transactions.