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abridge to shorten without removing basic contents; condense. [1/2 definitions]
accidental not part of the basic nature of a thing; secondary; incidental. [1/5 definitions]
ammonium hydroxide a colorless basic solution produced by dissolving ammonia in water, used as a household cleaner and in the production of textiles, plastic, and the like. (See ammonia.)
arithmetic the study of the use of numbers to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Arithmetic is a basic area of mathematics.
baguette a long, thin loaf of bread with a crisp crust, made from a basic, wheat flour dough. The baguette has its origins in France. [1/3 definitions]
BASIC a beginning computer language. BASIC stands for "beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code."
basic necessary as a base. Things that are basic need to be learned first or done first. [1/3 definitions]
basophil a tissue, substance, or cell, esp. a white blood cell, that readily takes on basic dyes.
battalion a military unit usu. comprising a headquarters company and two or more infantry companies; the basic unit of a division. [1/2 definitions]
beggar a person who begs as a way to meet basic needs such as food and clothing.
bill of rights The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The Bill of Rights lists the basic rights of U.S. citizens and residents.
boot camp a military installation at which U.S. Navy or Marine recruits receive basic training.
bottom fundamental or basic. [1/11 definitions]
bread-and-butter providing the basic financial support. [1/2 definitions]
byte a basic unit of information in computers. A byte is usually equal to eight binary digits or bits.
candela the basic unit of intensity of light, equal to one sixtieth of the intensity of one square centimeter of a radiating body at the temperature of solidification of platinum; new candle.
cardinal virtues the basic virtues in ancient Greek philosophy; justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude.
catechism a series of questions and answers used as an examination or for giving basic instruction in a subject. [1/2 definitions]
catechumen a person being taught the basic principles of Christianity, such as a convert prior to baptism. [1/2 definitions]
centimeter-gram-second of or concerning the system of measurement in which the centimeter, gram, and second are the basic units of length, mass, and time.
chemistry the study of basic substances found on earth or in space, how they work, and what happens when they are put together. This type of science helps people understand nature and also to invent completely new things.