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Bay of Bengal a bay of the Indian Ocean bordered mostly by India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
bay rum a fragrant liquid made from bay leaves and rum or bay leaf oil mixed with alcohol and water, used esp. in toiletries.
bight a bend in a shoreline, or the body of water bounded by such a bend, such as a bay. [1/3 definitions]
bobcat a North American wildcat with a rusty, spotted coat, tufted ears, and a short tail; bay lynx.
bow window a bay window built in a curve outward from a building.
Brahmaputra a major river of Asia that originates in Tibet and flows through northern India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal.
Brahmaputra River a major river of Asia that starts in Tibet and flows through northern India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal.
Cat Ba Island the largest of the 366 islands in Halong Bay off the coast of northern Vietnam.
cove a small bay in a shoreline of a sea, lake, or river.
Ellis Island an island in Upper New York Bay where, from 1892 to 1943, millions of incoming immigrants to the U.S. were processed. The facility on the island is now a museum that illuminates the immigration experience.
embay to surround, enclose, or shelter in a bay, or as in a bay.
ferry a boat or ship used to carry people, vehicles, and other things across a bay, river, lake, or channel. [2/6 definitions]
ferryboat a boat used to transport people, vehicles, or goods across a bay, river, or the like.
Hudson Bay a large body of saltwater in Canada bordered by the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and Manitoba, as well as by the territory of Nunavut. Hudson Bay is linked with both the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.
inlet a bay, stream, or other narrow body of water that leads inland from a shore.
Lake Maracaibo a large bay in northwestern Venezuela. Lake Maracaibo is called a "lake," but its water is salty, and it is connected to the Caribbean Sea by a narrow strait.
oriel a bay window that projects from a wall and is usu. supported from below by a bracket.
San Francisco a city in the U.S. state of California on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and a large bay.
seiche a prolonged oscillating wave in a lake, bay, or gulf caused by changes in atmospheric pressure or seismic disturbances such as earthquakes.
thermocline a layer of water between the warm surface water and the cold deep water of a lake, bay, or the like, within which the temperature changes rapidly.
ululate to howl or bay loudly, as a hound. [1/2 definitions]