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bean anything that is like a bean. [1/4 definitions]
beanpole a stick or pole used to support bean vines. [1/2 definitions]
bean sprout a young, tender shoot, as of the soybean or mung bean, used as a garnish, in salads, and the like.
beanstalk the stem of a bean plant.
broad bean a plant of the pea family that bears flat seeds that are used as a vegetable or an animal feed; fava bean.
bush bean a low-growing variety of the green bean.
butter bean a variety of lima bean.
chickpea the pealike bean borne by this plant; garbanzo. [1/2 definitions]
chop suey a Chinese-American dish of bean sprouts, other vegetables, and small bits of meat, chicken, or fish cooked and poured over rice.
chow mein a Chinese-American dish of stewed bean sprouts, other vegetables, and bits of chicken, seafood, or meat, poured over fried noodles.
fava bean see "broad bean."
frijol any of numerous beans, esp. the kidney bean, used for food in the southwestern United States or Mexico. [1/2 definitions]
green bean a type of kidney bean characterized by its long thin green pod. [2 definitions]
haricot the plant that produces kidney beans, or the bean itself. [1/2 definitions]
kidney bean a common garden bean cultivated for its red, edible seed, or the kidney-shaped seed itself.
mitochondrion any of the very tiny rodlike, stringlike, or bean-shaped structures that occur in nearly all cells of plants and animals, and that process food for energy.
navy bean a small, nutritious, white kidney bean, usu. dried for long-term storage.
physostigmine a clear or pink crystalline substance obtained from the Calabar bean and used in various medicines, as for constricting the pupils in glaucoma.
pinto a mottled bean similar to the kidney bean; pinto bean. [1/3 definitions]
pinto bean a variety of kidney bean bearing pale, mottled seeds that is grown for food and animal fodder.
pod1 a long, thin, firm pouch that contains the seeds of a pea or bean plant.