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Dictionary Suite
abed in bed; confined to bed.
air mattress a mattress filled with air, used esp. for camping, mobile living, or as an extra bed for visitors.
alluvium sand, soil, gravel, or the like deposited by moving water, as along a river bed. (Cf. eluvium.)
aquifer a bed of rock, sand, or gravel that can hold great quantities of water and supplies it to wells and springs.
astir out of bed; awake and up. [1/2 definitions]
B and B abbreviation of "Bed and Breakfast"; a small inn.
bed to put to bed (often fol. by "down"). [1/9 definitions]
bedcovering something such as a bedspread or blanket that is used to cover a bed; bedcover.
bedding blankets, sheets, pillows, and other coverings for a bed. [2 definitions]
bedfast obliged to stay in bed, as due to illness; bedridden.
bedfellow a person who sleeps in the same bed as another. [1/2 definitions]
Bedford Stuyvesant a neighborhood in the the New York City borough of Brooklyn, sometimes referred to as "Bed Stuy."
bed jacket a woman's loose garment designed to be worn over a nightgown while sitting up in bed.
bedpan a shallow pan used as a toilet by a person who cannot get out of bed.
bedpost one of the vertical supports at the corners of a bed.
bed rest resting in bed.
bedridden confined to bed by weakness or illness, esp. for a long time.
bedsheet a sheet to be used on a bed.
bedside the space beside a bed, especially of a sick person. [2 definitions]
bedspread a covering for a bed.
bedstead the framework that supports the springs and mattress of a bed.