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absolutist characterized by ideas, or a belief in ideas, whose truth is unconditional and not subject to any external standard. [1/3 definitions]
absurd of, showing, or having to do with the belief that there is no meaning or order in life or in the universe. [1/2 definitions]
absurdist having or expressing the belief that human existence and behavior are meaningless or absurd. [1/3 definitions]
acceptance the act of adopting a belief, doctrine, or theory. [1/4 definitions]
activism the belief in or practice of trying to make social or political changes through active, militant, or demonstrative involvement, esp. in particular issues.
ahimsa (Sanskrit) the principle of nonviolence based on the belief in the sacredness of all living creatures, as held by Buddhists, Hindus, and others.
allegiance loyalty to a person, country, or belief.
allegory a story that is written or told to represent an idea or belief. [1/2 definitions]
animism the belief that the universe and all of its material objects, beings, and phenomena possess a spirit or consciousness. [2/3 definitions]
apologist a person who argues in defense or justification of a doctrine, belief, action, or the like, usu. in writing or a speech.
appreciation belief in the value and fineness of something; esteem. [1/5 definitions]
arrogance the condition or quality of being arrogant; having too much pride or belief in one's superiority. [1/2 definitions]
atheism the belief that there is no God.
believe to have a strong belief in something that people cannot prove is true or not. [1/3 definitions]
benefit of the doubt acceptance of a statement or belief as true in the absence of contrary proof.
bigot one who is prejudiced against and intolerant of any group or belief that is not his or her own, esp. religious, racial, or ethnic.
bigotry intolerance of any group or belief that is not one's own, especially in the form of racial, ethnic, or religious intolerance and prejudice.
black sheep one who differs from and is often an embarrassment or disgrace to his or her family or group. This may be be due to this person's disreputable behavior, lack of worldly success, or difference in belief or point of view from that of the group.
born-again of, pertaining to, or professing a new or renewed commitment to belief in Christ or to evangelical Christianity. [2 definitions]
brotherhood a belief that all humans are connected by obligation or by virtues such as love. [1/4 definitions]
camp1 a group of persons united by a common idea or belief. [1/9 definitions]