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all- in sports, representing the best. [1/4 definitions]
all-American chosen as one of the best players in the United States in a particular sport. [2 definitions]
all-star made up entirely of the best players or performers.
beat the tar out of to best or outdo by a large amount. [1/2 definitions]
best-case scenario the best possible way that things could proceed from a particular point on.
bib and tucker (informal) clothing, esp. one's best garment or outfit.
blue-ribbon representing or being the best of a kind or type.
Charles Dickens popular and acclaimed English novelist, best known for the novels Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and A Christmas Carol (b.1812--d.1870).
classic something that remains popular over a long period of time. [1/4 definitions]
cream the best part of something. [2/6 definitions]
cream of the crop the best one.
crème de la crème cream of the cream (French); the very best.
deacon to falsely represent (something), as by displaying (produce) with only the best items showing. [1/3 definitions]
decide to consider the possibilities and choose what is best. [1/2 definitions]
disjunctive in grammar, of or denoting a word or phrase that is not syntactically part of the sentence in which it occurs, as "in my opinion" in "He is, in my opinion, the best baseball player ever". [1/5 definitions]
earless seal any of a family of seals with inconspicuous ears, short front flippers, and rudimentary hind flippers that are best adapted for swimming.
elite (usu. used with a pl. verb) the best, taken collectively. [2/4 definitions]
end (informal, old-fashioned) the very best or worst (prec. by "the"). [1/18 definitions]
expedient a means used in an emergency, and not necessarily the best one that could be used; contrivance. [1/4 definitions]
fat the best or richest part of something. [1/10 definitions]
fiduciary a person who is legally entrusted with the assets or powers of another, to be used in the other's best interest; trustee; agent. [1/3 definitions]