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Acts of the Apostles the fifth book of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, believed to have been written by Luke, which describes the work of Jesus Christ as it was carried on after his death by his apostles.
American Standard Version an American revision of the King James Version of the Bible, taken primarily from the earlier Revised Version and published in 1901; American Revised Version.
antediluvian of the period before the Flood told of in the Bible. [1/4 definitions]
anthem a religious song including words from the Bible. [1/2 definitions]
ark (sometimes capitalized) in the Bible, the large boat built by Noah to save his family and two of every animal from a flood sent by God. [2 definitions]
Authorized Version the English translation of the Bible authorized by King James I and published in England in 1611; King James Bible.
Belial in the Bible, a personification of evil.
Biblical (often lower case) of or in the Bible.
Biblicist a specialist in Bible studies. [2 definitions]
bibliomancy the making of predictions, answering of questions, or the like, based on the interpretation of a randomly selected passage from a book, esp. the Bible.
book a major section of a larger written work, esp. that of the Christian Bible. [2/13 definitions]
Canaan the Promised Land of the Bible, or any land or region of abundance and fulfillment. [1/2 definitions]
canon1 secular or religious writings of the Bible that have been determined to be authentic or sacred. [1/5 definitions]
canonical determined to be official or authentic by church authority, as the books of the Bible. [1/3 definitions]
Canticle of Canticles in the Douay Bible, the Song of Songs; Song of Solomon.
commandment in the Jewish or Christian Bible, one of the Ten Commandments or laws given to Moses by God. [1/2 definitions]
creation science a form of creationism that opposes the scientific theory of evolution, holding that the origin of the universe as related in the Bible can be proved scientifically.
Douay Bible an English translation of the Bible, based on the Vulgate and completed in 1610, that was the officially approved text of the Roman Catholic Church.
Ecclesiasticus a book of instructive proverbs contained in the Douay Bible and the Old Testament Apocrypha.
Eden the garden where the first humans lived, according to the Old Testament in the Bible; Garden of Eden. [1/2 definitions]
evangelical being or relating to a Protestant church that emphasizes the authority of the Bible rather than that of the church as an institution, and the primacy of faith as opposed to works. [1/4 definitions]