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AB2 abbreviation of "Assembly Bill," in the U.S., a proposed law in consideration by a state assembly.
amend to formally change by rephrasing, or to add to or subtract from (a legislative bill, a contract, a treaty, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
amendment an official change made to a bill, law, or other document.
anhinga any of various large swimming and diving birds of tropical and subtropical America that have a long sharp bill and a long snaky neck; snakebird.
beak the hard, curved mouth parts of a bird; bill.
bill2 the hard outer part of a bird's mouth that sticks out from its face. A bill is made up of a lower part and an upper part; beak.
bill of rights The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The Bill of Rights lists the basic rights of U.S. citizens and residents.
broadbill any of several birds characterized by a broad bill, such as the shoveler duck. [1/2 definitions]
bullfinch a European variety of finch characterized by a short, thick bill and a reddish breast.
buzzard a very large bird with a hooked bill and sharp claws; American vulture.
change money in smaller bills or coins in exchange for a larger bill or coin. [1/7 definitions]
check a bill for food and drink at a bar or restaurant. [1/4 definitions]
checkout the time by which a guest at a hotel must vacate his or her room and pay the bill. [1/4 definitions]
check out to say in an official way that you are leaving your hotel room and to pay the bill. [1/2 definitions]
conference committee in the U.S. Congress, a temporary panel assembled from members of both the Senate and House of Representatives to resolve differences between two versions of a particular bill and create a compromise version.
cormorant any of several dark-colored, long-necked seabirds having a hooked bill and an expandable food pouch, often brightly colored, under the bill.
crane a tall wading bird with long legs and a long neck and bill. A whooping crane is one kind of crane. [1/3 definitions]
crossbill a type of finch with a bill curved in such a way that the tips of the mandibles cross.
duck1 a bird that lives in or near water and has webbed feet for swimming and a large flat bill. [1/2 definitions]
duckbill a small Australian or Tasmanian mammal that lays eggs, lives in the water, and has a bill resembling that of ducks; platypus.
duck-billed of an animal, having a broad, flat snout shaped like a duck's bill.