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Aldebaran an orange binary star in the constellation Taurus, having a combined magnitude of 0.9.
Algol an eclipsing binary star in the constellation Perseus, having a magnitude that varies between 2.3 and 3.4.
Antares a red binary star in the constellation Scorpius, having a combined magnitude of 1.0.
binary system a numbering system with a base of two. In binary numbers, any number can be expressed by 1, 0, or a combination of these. The number five is written as "101" in the binary system.
bit3 a unit of information in a computer; binary digit.
bubble memory a solid-state computer device that stores information, coded into binary digits, in microscopic magnetized areas in sheets, as of garnet.
byte a basic unit of information in computers. A byte is usually equal to eight binary digits or bits.
carbide a binary compound of carbon and another element, such as calcium or various metals.
code the arrangement of statements in a computer program, in which letters and numerical figures are represented as binary numbers. [1/6 definitions]
-ide used in the names of binary chemical compounds and chemical compounds related to or derived from other compounds.
Mizar a binary star in the constellation Ursa Major, having a magnitude of 2.2.
nonbinary combined form of binary.
Perseus an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located between Auriga and Andromeda and containing Algol, a variable eclipsing binary star. [1/2 definitions]
Polaris a variable binary star near the north celestial pole in the constellation Ursa Minor, having a magnitude of 2.1; North Star.
Procyon a yellowish white binary star in the constellation Canis Minor, having a combined magnitude of 0.4.
quantum bit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; qubit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the quantum bit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).
qubit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; quantum bit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the qubit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).
Regulus a blue-white binary star in the constellation Leo, having a combined magnitude of 1.3.
Rigel a blue-white binary star in the constellation Orion, having a combined magnitude of 0.1.
Sirius a white binary star in the constellation Canis Major, the brightest star in the sky with a combined magnitude of -1.4; Dog Star.
visual binary a binary star composed of two parts that can be seen through an ordinary telescope, or, though rarely, by the naked eye.