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Dictionary Suite
biscuit the British word for a small, thin, sweet cake baked from stiff dough. "Biscuit" often has the same meaning as "cookie." [2/3 definitions]
cracker a thin, hard biscuit.
dog biscuit a hard biscuit for dogs, containing ground meat, bones, meal, and the like.
hardtack a hard biscuit made with flour and water only, formerly used esp. aboard ship.
pretzel a thin, crisp, glazed biscuit usu. shaped as a knot or stick and salted on the surface. [2 definitions]
ratafia a biscuit or macaroon flavored with such a cordial. [1/2 definitions]
sea biscuit hardtack or ship biscuit.
shortcake a cake or biscuit made with a rich dough, esp. a cake to be topped or filled with fruit and eaten as a dessert.