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Alsatian the British word for "German shepherd," a breed of large brown or black dogs that are often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for blind people.
Anne Sullivan a U.S. educator who pioneered techniques for teaching the blind, deaf-blind, and visually impaired through her work with Helen Keller (b.1866--d.1936).
Ate in Greek mythology, a personification of humans' wicked folly or blind ambition, that is punished by Nemesis.
blinding the act of causing to be blind. [1/3 definitions]
blindly in a blind or unseeing manner. [1/2 definitions]
Braille (often lowercase) a writing and printing system for blind people, in which patterns of raised dots are used to represent letters. Blind people touch the dots with their fingers to read.
dazzle to make almost blind with too much bright light. [1/2 definitions]
eyeless unable to see; blind. [1/2 definitions]
German shepherd a breed of dog. German shepherds are large dogs that resemble wolves and have a thick brown or black coat. They are used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for blind people.
gravel-blind almost, but not completely, blind. (Cf. sand-blind, stone-blind.)
grope to search for in an uncertain or blind way. [1/2 definitions]
guide dog a specially trained dog used by a blind person as an aid and companion; seeing-eye dog.
Helen Keller deaf-blind pupil of Anne Sullivan who became a celebrated U.S. author, lecturer, and social activist (b.1880--d.1968).
jalousie a shutter, blind, or window with overlapping horizontal slats that can be tilted to admit more or less light or air.
point system a system of writing or printing for the blind, such as Braille, that uses an alphabet of raised dots or symbols. [1/4 definitions]
purblind suffering from very poor eyesight; nearly blind. [1/2 definitions]
sand-blind somewhat blind; having weak eyesight. (See gravel-blind, stone-blind.)
Seeing Eye dog trademark for a dog trained by Seeing Eye, Inc., to guide blind people in walking about.
sightless not able to see; blind.
stone-blind thoroughly and completely blind. (Cf. sand-blind, gravel-blind.)
straw man a person used as a cover for the questionable activities of another; front; blind. [1/4 definitions]