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blues (used with a singular or plural verb) a style of sad-sounding music with roots in African American folk music. Jazz and rock music developed from the blues. [1/2 definitions]
bluesy in music, of or resembling the blues.
boogie strongly rhythmic rock-'n'-roll with a fast tempo, often in a blues form. [1/3 definitions]
funk2 music with an earthy feeling like that of the blues.
funky2 of music, having the earthy feeling of the blues.
jazz a form of music characterized by improvisation and complex rhythms, with early influences of ragtime and blues. Jazz originated among Black musicians during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in America. Jazz has continued to evolve and to influence new forms of modern music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
R and B abbreviation of "rhythm and blues."
reggae a music influenced by blues, calypso, and rock-'n'-roll that originated in Jamaica, has a simple, strong, syncopated beat, and often has lyrics of social protest.
rhythm-and-blues a kind of popular American music, developed mostly by blacks, that combines blues and jazz, is characterized by a strong beat, and was a precursor of rock-'n'-roll.
rock2 a form of popular music derived from rhythm-and-blues, with a strongly accented beat and usu. played on electronically amplified instruments, esp. guitars; rock-'n'-roll. [1/9 definitions]
rock-'n'-roll a form of popular music derived from rhythm-and-blues, with a strongly accented beat and usu. played on electronically amplified instruments, esp. guitars; rock. [1/2 definitions]
salsa Latin American dance music combining Afro-Cuban and Puerto Rican elements with jazz, rock, and blues, and played at a fast tempo. [1/2 definitions]
ska a form of Jamaican dance music that blends folk music and calypso with New Orleans rhythm and blues and is characterized by the use of saxophones and brass, a shuffling tempo, and syncopation.
soul popular music that developed out of rhythm and blues and was written, recorded, and performed by Black musicians, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s; soul music. [1/8 definitions]
soul music a type of music combining elements of Black gospel and rhythm-and-blues.
zydeco a dance music of southern Louisiana originating among blacks that contains elements of Caribbean music, white Cajun dance melodies, and the blues, usu. played on a combination of the accordion, guitar, and washboard.