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Anglo-Saxon Old English, or the plain, blunt modern English derived from it. [2/5 definitions]
beating severe physical violence done as punishment or during a confrontation, usu. with blows from fists or a blunt instrument. [1/3 definitions]
bodkin a blunt, large-eyed needle used to draw ribbon, cord, and the like through hems and casings. [1/3 definitions]
bolt1 a strong metal fastening rod with a shaped head at one end and a blunt threaded screw at the other, used with a matching threaded nut. [1/14 definitions]
cant hook a blunt-tipped wooden lever with a movable metal hook near the lower end, used in handling logs; peavey.
chump1 a short, blunt, heavy piece of wood. [2/3 definitions]
crude not disguised or adorned; blunt. [1/7 definitions]
dull having a blunt cutting edge. [1/10 definitions]
épée a fencing sword having a three-sided blade and a blunt circular tip guard.
foil3 a narrow lightweight sword with a flexible blade, a flat handguard, and a blunt point, used in fencing. [1/2 definitions]
foursquare direct and blunt. [1/4 definitions]
hebetate to blunt or dull (esp. the feelings or senses). [3 definitions]
obtuse rounded or blunt at the tip. [1/3 definitions]
plain-spoken saying exactly what one believes; frank; blunt.
pointless having no tapered end; blunt. [1/3 definitions]
porpoise a mammal that lives in the ocean. Porpoises look like large fish, but they breathe air. Some kinds of porpoises have a triangular fin on their back. Porpoises are closely related to dolphins and other whales with teeth. Porpoises have a round head with a blunt snout. [1/2 definitions]
Scottish terrier one of a breed of small terrier that originated in Scotland, with short legs, a blunt square muzzle, erect ears, and a dark wiry coat.
sea cow a large vegetarian sea mammal with flipperlike forelimbs, a blunt snout, and large lips, such as a dugong or manatee.
sharp having a thin edge or a fine point, esp. for cutting or piercing; not blunt. [1/16 definitions]
thump a heavy dull sound of impact, as made by a blunt instrument striking or a large object falling. [1/7 definitions]