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basque a tightfitting bodice of a woman's dress or other garment.
blouse a garment worn on the upper body, usu. by women and children, and having a bodice and optional collar and sleeves. [1/4 definitions]
corsage the upper part of a dress; bodice. [1/2 definitions]
plastron the decorative front of a shirt or garment, such as a man's formal dress shirt or the trimming on a woman's bodice. [1/3 definitions]
princess of a dress, sewn from single panels extending from shoulder to hem, and having a close-fitting bodice, fitted waist, and flared skirt. [1/4 definitions]
shirtdress a simple dress with a collar and a bodice with buttons down the front.
waistline the line at which the bodice of a dress meets the skirt. [1/2 definitions]