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Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator which marks the boundary of the Arctic. North of this line there are periods of continuous night in the winter and continuous day in the summer.
base line the line at either end of a tennis court that marks the back boundary. [1/3 definitions]
border edge; boundary. [2/5 definitions]
borderline at or near a boundary. [1/2 definitions]
bound3 (usually plural) the area within or near a boundary or limit of something; border. [1/3 definitions]
boundaryless combined form of boundary.
center the point that is in the exact middle of something, or that is equidistant from all points on a boundary. [1/9 definitions]
centroid the arithmetic mean of all points that form the boundary of a two- or three-dimensional object.
circumference the outer boundary of a circle or other curvilinear figure or area; perimeter. [2 definitions]
compass a boundary or limit, or the space or scope included within it. [1/9 definitions]
confine (usu. pl.) limit, border, or boundary. [1/3 definitions]
conterminous having a common boundary, such that each ends where the other begins. [1/2 definitions]
deadline a line or boundary which must not be crossed. [1/2 definitions]
end a point or area at or adjacent to an extremity, often serving as a boundary or limit. [1/18 definitions]
hedge a solid row of bushes, often used to mark a boundary. [2/5 definitions]
hedgerow a row of bushes or shrubs that forms a hedge or boundary.
interface a plane or surface that represents a common boundary between two bodies or regions. [2/7 definitions]
laminar flow the regular and non-turbulent movement of a layer of liquid near a solid boundary. (Cf. turbulent flow.)
landmark a point in a landscape that is used as a reference or marks a boundary. [1/3 definitions]
limit the point at which something ends; a boundary or border. [1/3 definitions]
line1 a boundary or limit; point at which something must stop. [1/11 definitions]