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Dictionary Suite
achievement something successfully carried through, esp. through bold or brave action or thought. [1/2 definitions]
adventurer one who seeks fortune through risky or brave actions; soldier of fortune. [1/3 definitions]
base2 not brave, noble or honorable; selfish. [1/2 definitions]
bear up to face hardship without despairing; withstand difficulty or stress; be brave; endure.
bold brave; daring. [1/5 definitions]
bravery the condition of being brave or of not feeling fear; courage.
courageous brave.
dare to be brave enough or careless enough to do something. [1/3 definitions]
doughty consistently brave and strong; courageous.
face to stand before or deal with in a brave way. [1/8 definitions]
fearless without fear; brave.
gallant brave and dashing.
game daring in spirit; brave. [1/5 definitions]
hardy able to stand hardship; tough; brave. [1/2 definitions]
hearty a brave fellow or workmate, esp. a sailor. [1/6 definitions]
hero a person who is brave, good, and often looked up to by others. [1/2 definitions]
lionhearted extremely brave or courageous.
manful having or showing qualities associated with manhood; staunch or brave.
nervy showing great courage or endurance; brave. [1/2 definitions]
steel to prepare for something difficult; make strong or brave. [1/4 definitions]
stout-hearted brave and determined; not easily frightened or discouraged; dauntless.