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blazer a jacket in a solid, sometimes bright color, often with a school or club emblem on the breast pocket. [1/2 definitions]
bluebird a small North American songbird having blue plumage, and, in the male, a reddish breast.
breast-feed to feed (a baby) milk from a breast; suckle; nurse. [2 definitions]
breastwork a temporary, hastily built defensive fortification, usu. of breast height.
bullfinch a European variety of finch characterized by a short, thick bill and a reddish breast.
dickcissel a sparrowlike American songbird characterized, in the male, by a yellow breast and a black mark at the throat.
double-breasted having the sides overlap each other by a wide margin on the breast or front, and usu. having a double vertical row of buttons, as a jacket or coat. (Cf. single-breasted.) [1/2 definitions]
dry nurse a woman employed to care for another's baby but not to breast-feed it. (Cf. wet nurse.)
dry-nurse to care for (another's baby) without breast-feeding it. (Cf. wet-nurse.)
dug2 a female breast or teat.
eiderdown the soft down from the breast of the female eider, or a quilt or comforter filled with this down. [2/3 definitions]
galactorrhea the abnormal or excessive flow of milk from a breast.
killdeer a plover native to North American inland waters and fields, having two black bands on a white breast.
mammary of or pertaining to an organ that secretes milk, such as a breast or udder.
mammogram an x-ray picture of the breast, usu. made to check for cancerous growths.
mammography photography of the breast by x-ray, usu. for detection of cancerous growths.
mastectomy the removal of a woman's breast by surgery.
mastitis an inflammation of the breast or udder.
masto- breast.
mastoid having the appearance or shape of a breast or nipple. [1/3 definitions]
mavis a small Eurasian songbird with brown wings and a spotted white breast; song thrush.