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Airedale one of a breed of large, long-legged terriers with wiry tan hair and black markings.
Alsatian the British word for "German shepherd," a breed of large brown or black dogs that are often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for blind people.
appaloosa a hardy saddle horse of a breed developed in western North America, usu. having a spotted black and white hide.
axolotl any of various salamanders esp. of the southwestern United States and Mexico that mature sexually and breed while in the larval stage, still having gills.
bantam (often cap.) a member of a small-sized breed of chicken, sometimes the miniature version of a larger breed. [1/3 definitions]
basenji one of a breed of dogs originating in Africa, characterized by a smooth chestnut-brown coat and an inability to bark.
beagle a breed of dog. Beagles are small dogs with short legs, drooping ears, and smooth fur that is usually black, tan, and white.
Bedlington terrier one of a breed of dog that has a blue or reddish brown thick fleecy coat, and that resembles a lamb when groomed.
Belgian any of a breed of draft horse that originated in Belgium. [1/3 definitions]
bench show a competitive show of dogs or cats in which prizes are awarded on the basis of greatest conformity to ideal standards for a given breed.
bird dog a dog or breed of dogs used to hunt or retrieve game birds.
bloodhound a breed of dog. Bloodhounds are large dogs with baggy skin and long, drooping ears. They have an excellent sense of smell and are used to track people or animals.
borzoi one of a breed of dogs originating in Russia, having a tall slender body, narrow head, and long silky hair; Russian wolfhound.
Bouvier des Flandres any of a breed of large dog that has a rough coat and pointed ears and was originally used in Belgium for herding cattle.
boxer a breed of dog. Boxers have short hair, a square jaw, and a brown coat. [1/2 definitions]
brant any of several small dark-colored European or North American geese that breed in arctic regions and migrate south in the fall.
bred past tense and past participle of "breed."
bulldog a breed of dog. Bulldogs are powerful dogs with short legs, short hair, and very strong, square jaws.
bull terrier any of a breed of dog developed as a cross between the bulldog and the terrier, having a short, light-colored coat.
carrier pigeon any of a breed of domesticated pigeons with large wattles. [1/2 definitions]
Charolais any of a breed of white beef cattle often used to crossbreed with other types of cattle.