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abutment an architectural component that supports an arch, vault, or the like, as of a bridge. [1/2 definitions]
aqueduct a structure like a bridge for carrying a waterway or pipe across a river or valley. [1/2 definitions]
auction bridge a version of bridge in which players bid for the right to specify which suit will be trump, any extra tricks won beyond the contract being scored toward a game.
bascule bridge a bridge that is counterweighted for ease of raising and lowering.
Bloody Sunday March 7, 1965, the day on which American civil rights activists, led by John Lewis and others, marched onto the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama and were beaten and tear-gassed by waiting police officers and deputies on the other side.
Br.1 abbreviation of "Bridge," a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel (used as part of a proper name).
bridge1 a high platform on a ship. The captain guides or controls the ship from the bridge. [1/4 definitions]
cantilever a rigid structural member, as of a bridge, fastened at or near one of its ends to a vertical support and projecting horizontally, usu. a great length, from it. [1/4 definitions]
cantilever bridge a bridge consisting of two beams or cantilevers that project toward each other and are joined to form a span.
card1 one of a pack of small pieces of thick paper printed with designs and numbers and used for playing various games such as bridge, poker, and the like. [1/4 definitions]
catwalk a narrow, raised walkway, as on a bridge or other high structure.
chess3 a floor board of a pontoon bridge.
contract bridge a form of bridge in which only the number of tricks named in the contract may count toward a game, the excess tricks counting as a bonus score. (Cf. auction bridge.)
corduroy a road, bridge, or the like constructed by laying logs crosswise to its path. [3/6 definitions]
crossruff a sequence of plays in a card game such as bridge in which each of a pair of partners leads a suit that the other partner trumps. [1/2 definitions]
cutwater the upstream face of a bridge pier, designed to resist moving water or ice. [1/2 definitions]
doubleton in bridge, a pair of cards that are the only ones in a player's hand of a given suit.
drawbridge a bridge built so that it can be raised to allow tall ships to pass beneath or to keep people from crossing over and gaining access, especially to a building such as fortress or castle.
eyeglass (pl.) two glass or plastic lenses in a frame that has a bridge resting on the nose and extensions hooked around the ears, used to correct defective vision; glasses; spectacles. [1/4 definitions]
flying bridge a small, often open platform over the pilothouse or bridge of a ship, that is equipped with a duplicate set of controls.
footbridge a bridge for pedestrians only.