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achieve to bring about as a result of one's cumulative efforts. [1/3 definitions]
anesthesia a drug or other agent used to bring about unconsciousness or absence of pain. [1/2 definitions]
apocalypse any instance of terrible destruction and devastation, esp. on a scale that could bring about an end to the world. [1/3 definitions]
catalyze to bring about or change, as a catalyst.
chasten to awaken conscience or bring about moral improvement through suffering, discipline, or punishment. [1/3 definitions]
checkmate esp. in the game of chess, to maneuver (an opponent) into an inescapable situation; bring about certain defeat for. [1/3 definitions]
coerce to compel or bring about by intimidation or force. [1/2 definitions]
conduce to contribute to or help bring about a result (usu. fol. by "to" or "toward").
crisis an unstable or uncertain situation that has potential to bring about dramatic, possibly destructive, changes. [1/2 definitions]
cure to bring about a cure. [1/7 definitions]
determine to bring about; produce. [1/6 definitions]
discipline training of the body or mind to bring about desired results, particularly orderliness and obedience. [1/7 definitions]
do1 to cause or bring about. [1/13 definitions]
eclipse to bring about an eclipse of. [1/6 definitions]
effect ability to bring about a change or result. [1/8 definitions]
entail to call for or bring about as a necessary accompaniment; necessarily involve. [1/5 definitions]
force to bring about (something) despite there being reluctance or unwillingness. [1/14 definitions]
hammer to construct or bring about (an agreement or settlement) with force and determination on all sides (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/14 definitions]
hammer out to construct or bring about (an agreement or settlement) with energy and determination on all sides.
incite to bring about or cause (a disruptive action). [1/2 definitions]
land (informal) to bring about, as a gain or success. [1/12 definitions]