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anneal to heat and then slowly cool (esp. glass or metal) so as to strengthen and make less brittle.
antimony a chemical element that has fifty-one protons in each nucleus and forms a brittle bluish white metal crystal, used in hard alloys, electrical components, and medicines. (symbol: Sb)
arsenic a poisonous chemical element that has thirty-three protons in each nucleus and occurs in brittle, grayish white crystalline masses or in yellow or black allotropes. (symbol: As) [1/2 definitions]
bismuth a chemical element that has eighty-three protons in each nucleus and is a white brittle crystalline metal with very low thermal and electrical conductivity, used chiefly in alloys and medicines. (symbol: Bi)
cast iron a mixture of iron and carbon, with other materials added to make it either hard and brittle or soft and strong.
celluloid a flammable, brittle material used esp. for motion picture film. [1/2 definitions]
cobalt a brittle silver-white metal that is one of the chemical elements. Cobalt is sometimes added to other metals in alloys to make them harder. It is also used in making some kinds of paint. (symbol: Co)
crisp firm but brittle, as a cracker. [1/7 definitions]
crispy brittle and easily broken or crumbled; crisp. [1/2 definitions]
devitrify to treat (glass or the like) so as to make opaque, brittle, and crystalline. [1/2 definitions]
dry rot a fungus decay of seasoned timber that causes it to become brittle and crumble into a dry powder, or the fungus causing this decay. [1/3 definitions]
martensite a hard brittle solid solution of iron and a small portion of carbon which is the main constituent of various carbon steels and is produced by chilling heated steel.
nougat a chewy or brittle candy that contains nuts and sometimes chunks of fruit.
oatcake a thin, flat, brittle cake made of oatmeal.
osmium a chemical element that has seventy-six protons in each nucleus and that occurs as an octavalent ion or in pure form as an extremely hard, dense, brittle bluish metal solid used as a catalyst and esp. in alloys and in electron microscopy because of its extremely high density. (symbol: Os)
rose acacia a shrub found in the southern United States that has brittle, prickling branches and bears clusters of large, rose-colored flowers.
rosin a translucent, yellow-brown, brittle residue of the distillation of turpentine from pine sap, used as a friction-increasing agent, as on the bows of certain stringed instruments, and in manufacturing varnish, inks, and soap. [1/3 definitions]
tellurium a chemical element that has fifty-two protons in each nucleus and that is usu. found in compounds, but that can be isolated as a toxic, brittle, silver-white crystal sometimes used in alloys with lead, copper, or iron to increase hardness and machinability. (symbol: Te)
white cedar the American arbor vitae, which grows in cool areas of the northeastern United States and has soft, brittle, durable wood. [1/3 definitions]
zinc a chemical element that has thirty protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a bluish white corrosion-resistant metal that is brittle at room temperature but becomes malleable when heated, used in a variety of alloys and in electrical devices. (symbol: Zn) [1/2 definitions]